Driven Into Darkness Beta August Update

August update Changelog

New art and layout for page 17 equipment and weapons. 

Updated art for page 19 commerce, crafting and henchmen.

Core rules change 

Bonus dice are now valued as a modifier of 2 as opposed to 5. The change applies to opponent averages and players' ability to stack bonuses.

Simultaneous combat change 

Clarified that when a player rolls a defence check in the action phase it also defends against any ongoing effects like some spells and fear

Mortal wound change

Base health can now be reduced to a minimum of -8 from taking mortal wounds.

Simple opponent creation changes

Increased the additional damage modifier for all opponent types by 3

Treasure item changes

Weapon buffs give half of their numerical value as a bonus to hit as opposed to granting a bonus equal to the value.

Increased the additional damage modifier for all opponent types by 3

Encounter Table change

Added more detail to entries 4 and 6

Combined entry 10 and 11 and replaced entry 10 with Environs Heated, Cooled, Conductive

Spell Changes

Deflect: adds half raw spell mod as opposed to adding all of the raw spell mod.

Elemental Surge: added a new feature that allows the caster to change targets when the spell is sustained.

Atrophy: now works vs all stats as opposed to only working vs strength.

Trait Changes

Dualist and Hunter bonus lowered to half T-Wis and T-Int added to attack checks vs their respective types.

Read and Tame Fury bonus lowered to half T-Wis and T-Int added to defence checks vs their respective types.

Eviscerate changed to x2 damage rather than as the character rolled a critical hit. In addition, the damage dealt now ignores any damage reduction effects. Changed recharge requirements to if the damage does not kill the target as opposed to if the attack misses.

Onslaught: Added an effect that allows the player to shift the location of an opponent a distance equal to their R-Dex

Parry: adds an additional half raw dex mod as opposed to multiplying the raw dex mod by two.

Pull: now also restrains its target

Strike and Advance movement cost reduced from 3m to 2m

Sweep attack and Sweep trip are no longer strength build exclusive. In addition Sweep attack knockback increases from 1m to 2+R-Str.

Wall adds +1 to the shields Dex-Def bonus rather than multiplying the shields defence bonus by two.

Opponent Trait changes

Volatile: added an optional effect that makes a player suffer a condition if they fail to defend.

Deadly: added an alternate effect that increases the opponent's bonus to hit.

Restrain Attack: Now characters restrained by this effect take damage each round they remain restrained.

Spell mishap changes

Entry 5. Target Number scales with spell tier, change the defence type vs the sleep effect from Wis to Con

Entry 7. Target Number scales with spell tier

Entry 11. Specifies the damage the falling objects will cause.

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