Kickstarter Update 6 days to go.

This is an update for Kickstarter backers


Note: Due to some redone layout many of the page references are outdated. I am working to fix this in the future.

Altered art and layout for page 4 core rules.

Altered text layout for page 6 Character Building

Altered spell list layout for more readability. As a result, the number of pages the spell list takes up is 7 (was 5).

Altered trait list layout for more readability. As a result, the number of pages the spell list takes up is 14 (was 4).

New art and altered text layout for page 32 (was page 20) Actions and rules of play.


'Decoys' has been reworked and now reads: Create a number of illusionary decoys equal to your R-Spell mod. The decoys can look like any human you have seen before. The decoys cannot harm others or interact with any objects. Checks made by the decoys to convincingly defend or resist any effects are made with your T-Spell mod. If intercepted or affected by an offensive action they are revealed to be illusions by any witnesses.

'Divine Whistle' has been reworked and now reads: Create a mental link between yourself and another willing natural nonhuman (pet or mount). The link allows the two to comprehend each other's intentions and mental state, giving the pair the ability to act as extensions of one another.

'Manipulate'' added a restriction to the type of commands that can be given: The command can only affect the target's physical actions (“drop the weapon”, “don’t move”, “change your target to them'') and thus can’t be used to force a target to devolve information.

'Tame' effect now ends if the tamed creature takes damage.

Call of the wilds renamed to 'Summon Spirits' additionally increased the health of the summons by +10.

'Dispel' has been reworded for additional clarity: One ongoing spell or spell being cast in the current action phase within a 24m ends (or a part of the spell is removed within a 24 metres radius around yourself) if your spellcasting check equaled or exceeded the opposing casters check, or the set TN of an ongoing effect.

'Break' Effect now ends if the entity takes damage from you or an ally.

'Illusion' has an expanded description: The illusion can simulate visual, audio, and material elements but cannot directly harm anyone interacting with it. Those that do interact with the illusion can make a T-Int check vs a TN equal to the caster's spellcasting check to discern what is an illusion and what is real. A spellcaster that has discovered what is illusionary can alter or remove those parts that they can see as a QA.

'Portal' added a special item a caster with this spell can create: A spellcaster with this spell can spend 5000 coin and 50 weeks to create a static structure that holds a permanently open portal.

'Soul Transfer' Added an expanded description: The souls share the body, able to perceive the same surroundings and speak with one another through thought. The invading soul can attempt to take control of the body, making a T-Cha check vs the original soul's Cha-Def. If successful the invading soul takes control of the body for a number of hours equal to their T-Cha mod (minimum of 1 minute). If the invading soul fails the check they can’t attempt to take over again for a number of days equal to the original soul's T-Cha mod (minimum of 1 hour).

'Passage' added a limit to the number of passages: A spellcaster can have only one ‘passage’ active at a time, if a new one is created the other ceases to function.

'False Reality': Illusions can now deal T-Spell mod damage. 


The traits have been fully reorganized and some traits have moved to different categories. I will list each trait and expand on any changes.

General Traits



Fighting Spirit (was called lead spirit)

Defensive Armour traits

Thoroughly Padded: no longer grants light armour +1 to its dexterity defence

Second Skin: Grants heavy armour uses 'unhindered' (rather than 'unarmored') unhindered allowing them to use the trait 'unhindered movement'.

Unhindered Movement

Defensive constitution

Lead Blood





Defensive dexterity


Cat-Like: Now give the option of using T-Dex to escape restrain checks.


Frenzy traits

Battle Frenzy

Blind Frenzy

Blistering Frenzy

Bulk Frenzy

Bloody Frenzy


Berserk Flurry

Expose Weakness

Focus Fire

Pile On

Surprise Attack: Extra damage is 4 multiplied by half your T-Str and-or half your T-Dex (was 4x character level).


Offensive Unarmed & object combat

Brawler (was called unarmed combatant)

Combo (was called unarmed combo)

Disarming Parry (was called unarmed parry)

Stunning Blow (was called unarmed stun): subsequent use restriction was changed to a stack penalty dice per use (was -2 mod per use)


Fight or Flight


Run them down

Rapid Advance


Leadership & intimidation

Commander: bonus dice reduced to granting one rather than two.






Inhuman Sense: Now grant a bonus dice to sight and smell.

Low Light Vision

Magical Traits (was called spellcaster traits) no longer requires the character to be a spellcaster


Minor Shapechange


Cursing Touch: The cursed target can attempt to revert back as MA, making a T-Cha check vs the opponents T-Cha or T-Wis check.

Cursed Form

Greater Shapechange:  Your T-Int or T-Wis mod can be used instead of R-Str for unarmed attack checks and damage. (was T-Spell mod)

Gifted Shapechange: Your T-Int or T-Wis mod can be used instead of R-Str for unarmed attack checks and damage. (was T-Spell mod)


Battle Mage

Capable Caster

Magic Strike


Soul Eater


Blood Magic

Boil Blood

Blood Rite

Blood Price


Latent Magic


Cantrip Savant

Cantrip Master


Controlled Chaos

Chaotic Burst

Chaotic Potency


Component Caster

Component Wizard


Fiery Soul

Frozen Heart

Shattering Stones



Fate Weaver



Healing Hands

Positive Overflow: Now triggers from healing hand as well as healing spells

Minor spellcasting

Magi Apprentice: Added rules for minor caster; If you are not already a spellcaster you become a minor spellcaster. A minor spellcaster follows the same spellcasting rules as any other spellcaster but they cannot spend EXP to increase their magic power.

Magi Adept

Magi Master: In addition when rolling a sustain check you can choose to add your T-Con rather than your T-Spell mod.

Magical utility

Familiar: expanded description; The familiar has health equal to your highest mental stat (Int, Wis or Cha) and rolls any checks with that stat. The familiar can only deal 1 damage with its attacks. If the familiar is destroyed it can be re-summoned as a QA at the cost of 1 health.

Magus eyes

Mental Elasticity: In addition you gain a bonus dice to sustain checks.

Mindful Magi

Mind Reader



Telekinetic Master


Martial Traits



Dual Parry

Firm Guard


Missile Parry


Shield Bearer (was shield banger)


Mobility & positioning

Area Denial

Berserk Charge


Rank Formation

Strike & Advance: No longer allows you to move during the action phase; rather, each adjacent target you defeat with a melee attack during the action phase rewards you with +1m movement and increases the total damage you deal with attacks and spells by half the amount of rewarded movement.







Pierce: added the restriction, attack a single target or single horde member

Solid Strike


Advanced Offensive

Dual Wielder


Horde Fighter(was called dervish): no longer has a max of +4 extra damage per adjacent target.

Split Strike (new) While wielding a weapon in both or with both hands you can choose to attack two targets or targeted hordes within range, your weapon attack damage is divided between the targets. 

Cleave (was called attack double)



Human specialist




Coup de grâce

Nonhuman specialist



Tame Fury

Strike of Mercy

Ranged specialist

Clear sight



Mark: no longer passive increased ranged attack accuracy by +1.

Point Blank

Purchasing & Crafting one-use magic items and Crafting reusable magic items

Buying and crafting items is now limited by the level of your character. (eg.  A 3rd level character can make items with a value up to 3. such as a +3 weapon buff or an item that increase your max health by 3x3 health)

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