Kickstarter Update Day Thirty three

This is an update for Kickstarter backers


More health balance changes.

The way a character's health scales has changed. Firstly a character's 'base health' and 'health multiplier' both start at 1, but each character adds 10 to their making the minimum possible health 12.


Elemental Ward and Aegis can now no longer stack with themselves or other half damage effects.


Weapon trait tree changed to make Attack double, Eviscerate and Onslaught now work with dual one-handed and two-handed weapons.

Cursed Form unarmed base damage boost lowered from +4 to +2, Movement boost increased to 3m (from 2m).

Gifted and Greater shape change have had their unarmed damage bonus reduced from 3 to 1 and 2 to 0.

Rapid Advance; movement boost now lasts until the end of the next round, rather than just for the round.

Added a limitation to Sneaky where you cannot use the trait when are directly engaged.

Unarmed Combatant; makes your free hands now count as weapons

Unarmed Parry; removed damage bonus

Unarmed Stun Reworked it now reads; Attack a single target or single horde member dealing your unarmed or object damage on hit. If the check also equals or exceeds the targets Con-Def they are stunned. Each use of this trait increases the TN to stun any target by +2. The TN resets after a partial rest.

Controlled Chaos reworded to; Roll double the required dice on the mishap table, then choose which half of the dice to use.

Blistering Frenzy can only use once per round.

Bulk Frenzy; No longer increases your size. Damage bonus changed from +4 to half T-Con or T-Cha. Bonus dice now apply defensively.

Dual Whirl renamed to Dervish:  max equal to is now +4 rather than half your T-Str or T-Dex.

Onslaught full rework it now reads; (prereq, Dual Wielder or Two-hander) Each subsequent MA attack with a weapon wielded in both or with both hands adds +1 to your weapon damage. The damage bonus persists until the end of a round were you did not attack with a weapon, deal damage in any way, take any damage or attempt to restrain or shove an opponent.

Shield Banger reworked and now reads; A shield wielded in your offhand now counts as a weapon (as well as an object) that has a base damage of 1+ the shields Dex-Def bonus. In addition, -1 to the T-Str requirement needed to equip a shield.


Weapon property Balanced now has a -1 base damage (was +0 base damage)

Lighting & Vision

Opaque was renamed to Totally Obscured.

Stealth & hiding changes

When a character uses their MA to attempt to hide they make a stat check (The stat used is dependent on the situation) The TN of the check is 10 plus the T-Wis of the most perceptive opponent, plus half (to a max of +8) the total number of opponents that are on lookout. A successful check during combat has a character become hidden at the end of the action phase if they are not directly adjacent to an opponent and are within an obscured or totally obscured area. A character hidden in an obscured area gains a bonus to defence checks, and their targets incur a penalty to defend vs their effects. A character hidden in a totally obscured area has twice the effect of obscured. In addition, they can only be targeted if the GM declares that the opponent will retaliate vs the hidden attacker. If the player then attacks they will become the target. Hidden entities are revealed if they attack, cast a spell or intercept others.

Unarmed & Object Attacks changes

MA: use your free hands or hands wielding objects to attack a target in range, Roll adding your R-Str vs the targets Dex-def. If you succeed using one hand deal your unarmed/object base damage (a default of 1) +R-Str. If using both hands add half your base damage again to the total damage (A pommel or a shield counts as an object).

Spellcasting rules

Casting the same spell multiple times in one phase incurs a penalty dice for each identical spell cast.


New encounter type One Mini-Boss for each Character

Trap damage increased 

Dangerous trap damage increased from 1+ to 8+

Deadly trap damage increased from 5+ to 12+

Serrated trap bleed increased from 1+ to 4+

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