Kickstarter Update Day Six

This is an update for Kickstarter backers


New mechanic added called Critical range  

Critical Range: the die results that trigger a critical effect. If not expanded or reduced by an effect a die result of 1 is a critical fail and a result of a 20 is a critical success. 

Traits related to critical effects have been reworked to fit this new mechanic 

Component Wizard ; (prereq, Component Caster) Reduce the critical failure range and expand the critical success range of a spellcasting check by 1, expending a number of provisions equal to the spells tier to do so.

The Unique Opponent Trait Deadly; Can X times a fight expand an attack checks critical range by 2 or add +4 to an attack check.

Expose Weakness; QA, Cha-Def: Roll with T-Int or T-Wis to apply an effect upon a target were each of yours or an allies attack checks expand the range to critically hit them. The effect lasts until the target is next critically hit.

Firm Guard; Reduce the critical failure range and expand the critical success range of Dex-Def checks by 1.

Reflexes ; ( prereq, Cat-like) QA: To reduce an instance of incoming damage by your T-Dex. In addition, your critical success range to defend vs spells that impose Dex-Def checks is expanded by 1.

Solid Strike; Reduce the critical failure range and expand the critical success range of attack checks by 1.

Vulnerability; Your critical success range on attack checks vs opponents that cannot perceive you is expanded by 2.

New and Updated Spells

Two new spells 

Multiply & Diminish; RS, MA, Sustain, Str-Def: Change the size of yourself or a target within 6m. If made larger the target gain a bonus to interception checks and adds R-Spell mod to attack damage. If made smaller they gain a bonus to checks made to hide but also suffer minus T-Spell mod to their attack damage.

Rapid Mutation; T, QA, Sustain, Con-Def: Impose a mutation of your own design (eg. additional limb, reversed feet, elongated neck) upon yourself or a target you can touch. When the spell is no longer sustained the mutant rolls a d20; on the result of a 20 the beneficial effects of the mutation become permanent, if the result of the roll is a 1 the negative effects of the mutation become permanent, any beneficial effects becomes detrimental or has their effect inverted or otherwise cosmetically remains in a now useless state. On a 2-19 the mutation reverts.

Existing Spells Updated

Hazard; now also halves the movement of those within its area.

Hero's Strength; work by giving yourself or an ally within 6m a bonus dice on one chosen stat check, rather than just Str Checks.

Lift; no longer specifies that the targets cannot move and now reads targets being lifted can only move by being pulled or push.

Shatter Steel; now works on shields and other equipment.

Connection and Project sense have been combined into one spell

Corpse puppet; creates an entity with 3 EXP rather than level 1 (12 EXP).

Dispel; has been reworded for more clarity, it now reads One casting or ongoing spell within a 24m radius ends or is removed from within the radius if your spellcasting check equaled or exceeded the opposing casters check or the set TN of the ongoing effect.

Entrust Strength; now works on grievously wounded allies rather than only ones that had recently died.

Far Step; now requires line of sight and its distance has been changed to a scaling T-Spell mod multiplied by 100.

Portal has been reworked and now reads like so; T, MA, Dex-Def: Open a 1m sized portal upon a surface to another surface you can clearly see. The portal stays open for 10 minutes before closing. Any further opened portals may connect to one you know is still open.

Champions blade; the effect can now be granted to an ally within 6m.

Passage; added this line, Link the location you are in with another you are intimately familiar with.

Rust has been renamed to Ruins, and can now affect metal or stone objects.

Homeward has been changed and now reads, Homeward; CO, MA, Cha-Def: Everyone within 120m teleports to a place important to your family that you know well.

Item; now follows the law of conservation of matter cannot affect organic matter.

Rotate Realm; can now change the weather, season, and the phases of the moon.

Transform has been renamed and reworked into  Transcendent Forms; T, MA, Con-Def: Mutate T-Spell mod entities into another form of your own design. Physical stats and abilities are replaced by that of the new form. Willing entities remain in the form until they are mortally wounded. Unwilling entities can exit the form as a MA.

Trait changes

Inhuman Sense is no longer a limited use ability and now reads, Your sense of smell and hearing are amplified, these senses are able to pick up clues that would be impossible for others (discerning the direction and number of people that passed through an area in the last week).

Lead Spirit; now add a flat +4 to all defensive checks for the round rather than x2 to the modifier.

Magus eyes is no longer a limited use ability and now reads;  Shift your ocular focus in order to detect and identify magical objects, effects and sources within T-Int and-or T-Wis metres. While focusing your perception of the non-magical vicinity is obscured.

Surprise Attack; has been reworked to allow it to function against multiple targets. When you attack opponents that cannot perceive you, add 4 multiplied by your character level to the damage done to each target of the attack.

Latent Magic reworked to make clear limitations, Create a harmless minor magical effect within T-Spell mod metres. Effects are impermanent and can be as large yourself. It can be audible, visual and-or have a small material effect upon the environment 

Blistering Frenzy; increased the bonus movement to 6m.


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