Driven Into Darkness Kickstarter Launch Update

Now Live on Kickstarter

Kickstarter update Change Log

Core Rules

Fractions now round up rather than down

Players can now actively convert bonus/penalty dice into +2/-2 modifiers to checks and damage

Character creation

Changed focus scaling to half the characters level to a maximum of +4


Condemn; changed to reduce half R-mod in a 12m cone area rather than a number of targets in range

Helpful Prayer; Adds half rather than whole R-spell mod to checks

Penitence; Changed from auto surrender to suffer the fear condition

Elemental Cataclysm; Changed damage from x4 T-spell mod to 62+ and area from x2 to 32+

Kill; changed damage from T-Spell mod x20 to 232+, in addition, the spell now kills targets of a level lower than the caster and stuns others


Attack Double/Triple; Missing incurs a stacking -2 modifier to subsequent double/triple attack checks until after a partial rest

Firm Guard; Now grants immunity to critically failing Dex-Def checks

Hinder; now also increases thrown weapon damage by +1

Holdfast; now also increases the weapon's damage by +1

Point Blank; now adds +1 damage rather than +1 to checks

Solid Strike; Now grants immunity to critically failing attack checks

Strike & Advance;  Every metre moved with the trait now adds +1 to your weapon damage for the next round

Wall; Bonus reverted from the last update and reworded to  use 6m of movement to increase your shields Dex-Def bonus by half its value

Wound; In addition before an attack check you can convert penalty dice from the target, removing the penalty but adding +3 damage per dice converted

Provisions/Commerce, Crafting and Henchmen

Added a new function where a character can expend provisions to increase the amount of coin they can carry by 100 per provision spent, although every provision spent in this way incurs a penalty dice to provision checks until the additional coin being carried is left behind, hidden or banked

New art and layout for page 22 Offensive actions

Unique Opponent traits

Regeneration and Life Steal have their max level multiplication reduced to x3

Deadly's attack check bonus reduced to +4

Repurposed art and a new layout for page 29 Simplified Opponent Creation

The recommended level scale for minibosses is equal to the players rather than x2

The recommended level scale for bosses is now x2 the players level rather than x3

Other products

Horde Combat Cheat Sheet

One page monster cheat sheet

One page wilderness adventure



Driven into Darkness QuickPlay 21 MB
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Opponents Sheet Print 1.3 MB
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CharacterSheet QuickStart Militiaman 1.9 MB
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CharacterSheet QuickStart Priest 1.7 MB
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CharacterSheet QuickStart Rouge 1.8 MB
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CharacterSheet QuickStart Shapeshifter 1.8 MB
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CharacterSheet QuickStart Squire 1.9 MB
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