Driven into Darkness New Year Update

This is an update for Kickstarter backers



'Bolster' now increases base health by half raw spell mod (rather than max health by total spell mod)


'Fighting Spirit' now regains its use when the character becomes mortally wounded or after a next full rest (rather than fall below half health).

'Resilience' now has a new feature, when taking a Defensive stance all incoming damage is reduced by your T-Con.

'Resolve' healing amount changed to T-Con and-or T-Wis + level (was + base health).

'Healthy' new feature, you can choose to ignore penalties and stat reductions from mortal and grievous wounds for one round, this trait can't be used again until after the next partial rest.

'Nimble' Max climb jump and swim can now be calculated with T-Str and-or T-Dex (was just R-Str or R-Dex)

'Cat-like' fall damage reduction increased to double T-Dex (was T-Dex)

'Commander' New passive effect, all allies that can see or hear you gain a bonus dice to fear and morale checks. Now always grants 6m of movement to the allies you are granting a bonus to.

'Clear sight' Added to general traits under the senses category. trait reworked to not be range exclusive: No longer incur a penalty dice to attack checks vs obscured targets (heavy rain, light fog, foliage, partial cover etc.). In addition, add +1 to attack checks vs unobscured targets.

'Component Wizard' Critical manipulation is now only available if the caster is casting only one spell.

'Healing hands' and 'Positive overflow' can now also target the user.

'Wall' Shield bonus is added to interception checks (rather than checks to intercept others).

'Berserk Charge' New feature: gain a bonus to attack checks vs targets you intercepted in the previous round

'Hinder' Reworked: If you hit with an attack you can leave the weapon embedded (or expend 1 provision for ranged weapons) in a single target or single horde member, adding +1 damage and halving their movement until a MA is used to remove the weapon(s). Effect doesn't stack with itself.

'Mark' and 'Point Blank' is no longer range exclusive. 

'Quickdraw' new effect: Gain a bonus dice to an attack check if you draw/load the weapon(s) in the first round of combat.

Action breakdown

Clarified that a Main action can be traded for 6m of movement.

Climbing, Jumping and Swimming

Total stats are now used to calculate movement maximums.


Burn, bleed, fear, poison, restrain and trip conditions can no longer stack.

Mortality and Death

base health minimum increased to 0 (was -10)

Wound table reorganised so the danger curve is smoother. Also added a -5 to the top ends so as to be more lethal.

Creating and Running opponents

New and updated art/layout. 

Horde Combat

Added a line that addresses HT when a horde is reinforced: If a horde is reinforced by one member the hordes HT is restored by ¼ that members max health, if more than one reinforces the horde they recover ½ one of the members max health.

Opponent Traits 

'Beyond Human' uses capped to 3.

'Dangerous to touch' damage min of 4 and max of 16.

'Resilient Physiology' renamed to Resilient Physiology/Mental Shield. Added a line: Abilities that pierce or destroy defensive equipment can affect this trait.

'Immovable' grants 1-3 bonus dice to resist being intercepted, shoved, restrained or lifted (was immunity to listed effects).

'Powerful' uses capped to 3.

New Trait 'Sonorous' Main Action, Con-Def or Wis-Def: 1-3 times a fight the opponent can send out a blast or shockwave to stun(pg.34) all targets within 12m.

'Stubborn' recover 1/4 health when reduced to zero (rather than half)

New Trait 'Fearless' The opponent is immune to losing morale and grants allies a bonus to morale checks.

'Volatile' uses capped to 3.

'Claws, teeth and tail' Max increased to 16. Bleed condition damage is set to 1/4 the opponents unarmed damage.

'Deadly' uses capped to 3.

'Gaze of Doom' added line: Characters averting their gaze treat the target as obscured (penalty to attack and defend from the target).

'Invisible' added line: Invisible targets are considered totally obscured (two penalty dice to attack and defend from the target).

'Life Steal' Can no longer steal life equal to the damage of a different attack.

'Parting Gift' 1-6m radius (was a flat 6m)

'Pull Closer/Shove Away' pull/push min of 4 and max of 16.

'Restrain Attack' restrain damage over time set a 1-4.

GM procedure and prologue

New page art and altered layout 

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