Kickstarter Update Day Twenty six

This is an update for Kickstarter backers


Damage and health balance changes.

The changes made here are an attempt to make characters that want to fulfill the role as a tank or defender more viable. Changes have been made across the traits and spells to lower the overall damage output of opponents and player characters.

The way a character's health scales has changed. Firstly a character's 'base health' and 'health multiplier' both start at 2, making the minimum possible health 4. The maximums for both base health and health multipliers have changed. Base health can now be increased up to two above the character's current level (max of 10 at 8th level).  From the beginning, a character's health multiplier can be increased up to a maximum of five. Lastly, characters add their total constitution to health rather than the just raw constitution. For example, before a level 1 character could spend 11 EXP in order to reach 36 health, now a level 1 character can spend 8 EXP in order to reach 54 health.

Critical damage change. Criticals now increase an instance of damage dealt by an attack, ability or spell by 50%(x1.5) rather than 100%(x2)

Upcasting rules change. 

Upcasting no longer increases all numerical values of a spell instead increasing values derived from the caster's Spell modifier. Now reading

Any spell can be cast at a higher tier. Doing so increases the target number to cast the spell to that tier while increasing Total Spell and Raw Spell modifier values added to the spell by 1 per increased tier.

Spells (mostly just damage number tweaks this time)

Elemental Blast; Size of the cone has been changed to Raw Spell mod metres (was 3m) damage has been increased to 11 (was 6) + Spell mod

Elemental Surge; had its main and sustain damage increased to 4 (were both 2 damage)

Erupt; had its damage increased to 6+ Spell mod (was 3+)

Glamour has been reworded and now reads: Disguise yourself to look like another human. Disguise can be dropped as a FA

Magic Arrows; The damage of each missile has been changed to 3 damage each (was your raw spell mod damage each)

White Arrow; had its damage increased to 16+ Spell mod (was 3+)

Elemental Beam; had its damage increased to 18+ Spell mod (was 14+)

Elemental Explosion; had its damage increased to 14+ Spell mod (was 10+)

Barrier; had the damage it can deal increased to 19+ Spell mod (was 12+)

Control Plants; had the damage it can each plant can deal decreased to 3 (was total spell mod damage)

Move Earth; had the damage the thrown boulder can deal increased to 28+ Spell mod (was 21+)

Shape Water; decreased the amount of affected water by 1 cubic metre. Lowered the damage each cubic metre of water can inflict to 2  (was 1+ Raw Spell mod damage each)

Wither; had its damage increased to 38+ Spell mod (was 24+)

Control Air; the number of cubic metres of air you can control has been reduced to 3 (from 7)

Dominate; now has a few example commands

Golem has been reworked and now reads: Create a Golem from your choice of matter around you. Your R-Spell mod equals the Golem's T-Str and T-Dex. The Golem has a R-Con of 4 and both its health multiplier and base health are equal to your level. The Golem has a -4 in all mental stats (intelligence, wisdom and charisma). In addition, the Golem has the trait Unarmed Combatant

Lament & Rejoice; had its damage and healing effect increased to 22+ Spell mod (were both 12+)

Elemental Cataclysm; has had its damage reduced to 24+ Spell mod (was 62+ )

Kill; has had its damage reduced to 62+ Spell mod (was 232+)

Traits (the majority of the changes made are to lower damage output)

New trait called Abstain; it reads: If you don't take an offensive action during the action phase you gain a bonus to defensive checks until the end of the next round. In addition, you require half the food and water to remain satiated and hydrated.

Attack double has been moved to the martial list and is no longer x2 damage, it now reads: Attack with two 1H weapons choosing to take a negative modifier to the check, each -1 adds half your T-Str or T-Dex as damage to the same target or to an additional target.

Gifted and Greater shape change have had their unarmed damage bonus reduced from 6 to 3 and 3 to 2

Healthy; now increases your characters health multiplier by one, rather than doubling raw constitution.

Lead blood now also grants a bonus dice to wisdom and constitution checks vs stunning effects.

Nimble has its damage reduction effect incorporated into the redirect action, reading: Add R-Dex to the total damage reduction when using Redirect.

Reflexes is now activated with quick action.

Resilience has its damage reduction effect incorporated into the redirect action. The trait no longer increases your base health.

The healing effect of Resolve has been changed to Constitution and-or Wisdom plus base health.

Surprise attack has had its damage targeting changed and now reads: the damage is done to each target or targeted horde.

Taunt; can target a number to opponents equal to T-Str and T-Dex. The fail state has been removed and a new effect has been added, it reads: Affected targets directly engaged with you cannot move away until the next round.

Unarmed Combatant; you can now add T-Str and-or T-Dex to the damage of the attacks

Unarmed Combo; the extra damage has been changed to deal half your T-Str and-or T-Dex.

Unhindered movement now grants a bonus dice to T-Dex checks made when resisting interceptions.

Vigorous rester has been renamed to just Vigorous. The trait now also increase the character base health by a value equal to their T-Con.

Blood Rite has had its multiplying effect reduced to x1.5 (was x2)

Chaotic Burst and Potency has had its multiplying effect reduced to x1.5 (was x2)

Magic Strike has had its multiplying effect reduced to x5 (was x10)

Blistering Frenzy no longer always end by the next round, now reading: frenzy ends if you fail to begin a following round beside an opponent

Bloody Frenzy; prereq changed to three frenzy traits rather than all of them. the extra damage has been changed to deak half your T-Str and-or T-Dex.  No longer always end by the next round, now reading:The frenzied state lasts until you fail to kill an opponent by end of a following round.

Dual Striker has been replaced with Dual Whirl which reads: While wielding two 1H weapons add +1 to your weapon damage (Up to a max equal to half your T-Str or T-Dex) for each opponent you attack that was directly engaged with you at the start of the round.

Eviscerate has had its x2 damage and damage reduction effect removed. It now reads: T-Str or T-Dex damage bonus is doubled (includes the R-Stat modified by Onslaught).

Gouge no longer stacks instead If a bleeding target is bled again the bleed damage only increases by 1 point.

Holdfast renamed to Lunge

Riposte now deals damage equal to your T-Str and-or T-Dex mod rather than your weapon's damage.

Sweep reworked Sweep renamed to Trip

Sweep; QA: Roll a T-Str or T-Dex check, if it equals or exceeds the Str-Def of chosen targets within your weapon's reach they are thrown back up to T-Str or T-Dex metres, taking damage equal to the distance if they hit an object.

Trip; QA, ENR: Roll a T-Str or T-Dex check, if the check equals or exceeds the Str-Def of chosen targets within your weapon's reach they have their movement halved and incur a penalty to Dex-Def until the end of the next round.

Opponent trait Boss Health has been changed from increase base health up to a max of 20 to increase current and max health multiplier by up to 2.

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